Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lipstick Diaries

We all did it. We all played dress up. We all tried to look like our moms. We all have looked at the overly airbrushed magazines and wished we had something smoother, tighter, thinner, bigger ect. But let's face it. Those airbrushed centerfolds are a far cry from the real deal. Women, everyday women; working hard, trying to be the best they can be without the resurfacing of digitalized phenomena.

I am a special education teacher. I can hear myself saying to my students, "Be the best you can be. Not your neighbor's best, but your best." Those words, which I instill in the pure minds of my students is what I continue to try and instill in myself. As this blog continues on, you will find me mentioning the word BALANCE. Is it wrong to want to be beautiful? I don't see anything wrong with it? Do you? But I do believe that balancing the desire to be beautiful is key to actually being beautiful. Let me establish early on, that when I talk about beauty I am not only talking about the exterior. I am talking about the entire package. We are multi-faceted and that includes the "twisted beauty" we all possess. it comes in many forms.

You may ask what has initiated my desire to become an Independent Consultant. I have several reasons. The desire to feel good about myself is definitely a forerunner. My desire to live a full life is a huge motivator. This includes a life with love, friends, family, personal independence, confidence and indulgences that may not be otherwise possible.

I am newly married. It has been an amazing experience. I am sure I will get into it more in the future. But for now, let's just say things are overwhelmingly amazing. I have a goal in mind. I am not going to tell you about my goal just yet. You have to come back for another helping of my lipstick diaries.

Meanwhile, I am here to join you in a journey. The journey of life. I would love to talk beauty with you or any other topic that suits your fancy. Fashion and beauty happen to be a topic that I love. The reason I believe I love them is because they don't have to be so serious. Life itself is serious enough. Sometimes, it's o.k. to let go and pamper ourselves. I think we forget to do this more often than not. Drop me an e-mail when you like or check out the site http://www.marykay.com/ and let me know if you find anything you want to try out.